Many of you have probably already heard the reports – a zebra mussel has been found in Lake Lewisville. At this point only one live zebra mussel has been found. It was located by the dam and is believed to have arrived on a boat that came from another infested lake.
Click HERE to find information posted by Texas Parks and Wildlife on the recent zebra mussel sighting. Click HERE to find out how to properly clean and dry your boat before transporting it between lakes.
You can find a good resource on proper care for boats stored on a lake with zebra mussels HERE. Some important suggestions include frequent boat use, storing boats on boatlifts, raising outboards out of the water when stored and the use of motor flushers. Cottonwood Creek Marina will now carry motor flushers in the ships store for outboard motor cleanings at a cost of only $5.40.
Although the appearance of this invasive species is disheartening, Cottonwood Creek Marina is confident that zebramussels will not undermine the pleasure that comes from recreational boating on Lake Lewisville. Please give us a call or stop by the ships store with any questions. As we learn more information, we will share it with you.